Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

It's the best time of year!!! Time for the presents time for the lights time for the eggnog (ewww) but most of all its time for Jesus' b-day! Yeah!! Well it is the greatest time of year, besides my b-day......JK, Its the 21st so in 4 days it will be christmas!! Just think this year has flown by, it seems i was just opening presents yesterday, wait i wuz opening presents yesterday, but i mean for christmas. the year just keeps going faster and faster, have you noticed that there are no good movies out for christmas until christmas day? They are all really weird, but o well. If you want to you can leave a comment i dont mind i love hearing you comments on me theu're really funny i know i have problems you can tell through my writing, hahahahaha ok plz leave a comment thats alot of fun whatever you want to write you can free writing time now!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Now some of you have heard of the books(or movie) Twilight. Some think they're awsome some think they're stupid or some think they're bad because of the vampires. This is MY review. I personally think the books and the movie are the best. I love them!! The books are about a girl named Bella who moves to Forks, Washington and meets a 'boy' named Edward. She later finds out he is a vampire. But the twist is she is in love with him! And he is not a bad vampire he is a 'vegitarian' in vampire terms means they only eat animals, but still have the earge to eat humans. Now Bella smells really good to Edward so he has to be really careful around her so he won't lose control in any way. In the books Edward and his adoptive dad discuss Heaven and Hell. They both believe in both, his dad believes that everyone can go to Heaven so long that they believe , but Edward thinks that he has no soul so he can not go to Heaven he must go to Hell. Now it mentions this over and over again. Now I partially agree with this, not that i believe in vampires , but i believe that no matter what sins you commit and you believethat Christ died on the cross that you can go to heaven.
Now the book is a love story it is one of the best I've ever read. Now I haven't read the ast book yet so i'll tell you some more when I read it. but nothing "bad" happens in the books. My friends mom has read them all and she is a great christian and says they arethe best so if you talk to your parents or something and they say it's ok I highly recommend these books